Nijmegen’s international pub quiz.

Every Wednesday evening from 21.00 at Thiemeloods.

A challenging pub quiz aimed specifically at the international community in Nijmegen.

The Wednesday Quiz






The Wednesday Quiz 〰️ 21.00 〰️ Thiemeloods 〰️

The Wednesday Quiz

The premier pub-quiz in Nijmegen aimed at an international audience.

What to expect at The Wednesday Quiz?

  • A number of current affairs celebrites in a picture frame. Elon Musk Tucker Carlson; Joe Biden; President Zelensky; King Willem-Alexander; Price Harry & Megan

    Current Affairs

    The Current Affairs round of questions consists of 8 questions related to the news from the previous seven days. The questions generally cover major global news. From politics, international conflicts, and economics, to science, weather extremes, and culture, we try to cover as wide a range of current events as possible.

  • Entertainment

    The Entertainment round of questions consists of 8 questions related to… well anything that can be ambiguously considered, “entertaining”. The Entertainment round covers questions related to movies & tv, music, literature, theatre, gaming, and pop-culture. Why isn’t sport considered “entertainment”? I don’t know. It just isn’t for pub quiz purposes.

  • Geography

    Explore the wonders of the world as we navigate through diverse landscapes, cultures, and landmarks. From naming capitals and identifying national and regional flags, to recalling the tallest mountains and longest rivers, our geography round challenges your map-smarts and knowledge of the world around us.

  • History

    Traverse through epochs, reigns, and pivotal moments that have shaped our world. With questions that ignite curiosity and ignite conversations, our history round invites you to journey through the annals of human experience.

  • Picture Round

    Our picture rounds promise to be a visual delight, ranging from celebrity tattoos to iconic movie spaceships, and from sporting to fashion icons. They offer a diverse array of challenges that will test your knowledge, spark nostalgia, and add an extra layer of excitement to your quiz experience.

  • Music notes dancing out of a frame

    Audio Round

    Dive into a symphony of sound during our audio round at 'The Wednesday Quiz,' where carefully curated clips of renowned songs (and some not so renowned songs), will have you tapping your toes, humming along, and putting your melodic memory to the ultimate test. To be fair, they are equally likely to have you pulling out your hair and blocking your ears, praying that the earworms don’t take hold. Alway a fun round!